Editorial Complaints Policy

At Big Poppa Vapor, we strive to maintain the highest standards of editorial integrity and quality. We value the trust of our readers and are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints regarding our editorial content promptly and fairly. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our approach to handling complaints and how we ensure transparency and accountability in our editorial practices.


This policy applies to complaints related to editorial content published on the Big Poppa Vapor online magazine (the “Website”). It covers complaints about factual inaccuracies, breaches of journalistic standards, misleading information, and other issues concerning the content of our articles.

Submission of Complaints:

If you have a complaint about any content published on the Website, please submit your complaint in writing to our editorial team at [email protected] Please include the following details:

  • Your name and contact information
  • The specific article or content in question
  • A clear description of the complaint and the grounds for your concern
  • Any supporting evidence or documentation

Complaints Process:

a. Acknowledgment: Upon receipt of your complaint, we will acknowledge it within [insert time frame] and provide you with a reference number for future correspondence.

b. Investigation: We will conduct a thorough investigation into the complaint, including reviewing the relevant content and consulting with the relevant individuals involved in its creation.

c. Response: We will respond to your complaint within [insert time frame] of acknowledging it. Our response will outline the findings of our investigation and any actions taken or proposed to address the issue.

d. Resolution: If we determine that an error or breach of standards has occurred, we will take appropriate corrective measures, which may include issuing corrections, clarifications, or retractions as necessary. We are committed to providing fair and accurate information to our readers.

e. Appeals: If you are not satisfied with our initial response, you may request a further review of your complaint. Your appeal will be reviewed by a senior member of our editorial team who was not involved in the initial investigation.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

We respect your privacy and will handle your complaint and personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We will only use your personal information for the purpose of addressing your complaint and communicating with you regarding the resolution.

External Resolution:

If you are not satisfied with our response or believe that we have not adequately addressed your complaint, you may refer the matter to the appropriate external regulatory body or ombudsman in your jurisdiction, if applicable.

Continuous Improvement:

We are committed to continually improving our editorial practices and addressing complaints effectively. We will review and analyze all complaints to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes to prevent similar issues in the future.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or require further information about our Editorial Complaints Policy, please contact our editorial team at [email protected].

Date of last update: 21-7-2023

The Big Poppa Vapor Editorial Team